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Rebuilding The Glory of the Nation: How the New Trump Administration Has the Ability to Rebuild the Crypto Economy in the United States which Burned under the Biden Regime.

By Ryan Ashe

Cryptocurrency Model Law -

Shockwaves moved through the United States early Wednesday morning as Cambria County Pennsylvania turned in its 58,719 votes-18,371 for Kamala Harris and 39,879 for Donald Trump (468 for various third-party candidates). This county which used to be home to some of the strongest blue union votes in the country had enough rural and small town votes that it put the 19 electoral votes for Pennsylvania out of the hands of Kamala Harris as she could no longer count on the votes in Philadelphia to close the gap with former president Donald Trump. After this, the 6 remaining swing states turned in their ballots- it was a modern landslide for Donald Trump Jr. 

The electorate was not the only group that felt the shockwave move through the system. The cryptocurrency community responded with joy. Under the aggressive policies of Gary Gensler and the SEC crypto’s growth had been stifled by court case after court case–with most of them, save the Ripple case, going in favor of crypto. Bitcoin grew 8% to $75,000 overnight, Solana grew nearly 25% to over $80. XRP even grew almost 2% to $0.56. The crypto community now had its first pro-crypto president–and it is time to make moves. But what moves are best for the economy and the security of the United States?

Going back to that little county in Pennsylvania that decided the election, there is a man who grew up in that county, my business partner Dr. Christopher Smithmyer. If you have never heard of Chris, then you may not know crypto as well as you think you do. Dr. Smithmyer is one of the most lettered people in the United States. With advanced degrees in law, business, labor law, and research. He is a professor at Arkansas State University, The University of Arizona (GC), Regent University and Doane University (teaching about two classes a year for each). He has dozens of books, hundreds of articles and even a full 8-volume encyclopedia about “Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Dynamics” with his name on it. But when it comes down to the future of the country-there is one document which this guy from a little county in the middle of nowhere wrote which has implications that could change the position of the United States in relation to cryptocurrency. 

Model Law -

The Model Law on Digital Assets and Exchanges (MDAE) for the DCBAS (Dynamic Collation on Blockchain Assurances and Standardizations) of the Internet Governance Forum of the United Nations is one of the most important pieces of model legislation ever written if you are interested in cryptocurrency. Unlike the Markets in Cryptocurrency Act (MiCA) which is continually delayed in the European Union, the MDAE is designed to give nations the ability to create their own cryptocurrency legislation from a global framework–without the attached bureaucracy which is estimated to cost nations billions of dollars to set up and millions of dollars each year to keep in place. The MDAE is designed to protect the domestic and the global economy through KYC, CTF (Counter-Funding Terrorism), AML, and anti-trafficking protections while still allowing a “transportation rule” effect around the world. Countries that sign onto this model legislation and build laws around it have the ability to follow global treaty guidelines without creating billion-dollar bureaucracies. Further, it specifies the duties of coin issuers, wallets, and exchanges to ensure that KYC/AML are done in the right place which is something MiCA makes overly complicated. 

Under the new Trump Presidency, with an avante guarde young Vice President in J.D. Vance, we have the opportunity to allow American exceptionalism into the international digital zeitgeist. Dr. Smithmyer’s model law brings together the business community, the government, and the people who live in each nation to ensure that all stakeholder interests are protected, that there is a concrete resolution system for problems that may arise, and a vision of limited democracy so that from Pulau to France, from Haiti to Australia and from the United States to the former Eastern Bloc nations everyone can afford to have clear, concise and effective cryptocurrency law. 

As we move into an America-centric regime–we have to remember that, while we want America First, we need global success to ensure that the United States is not called upon to be the police force of the world as under the Biden, Obama, and Bush Regimes. Good laws globally benefit everyone–they stop terrorism, undercut money laundering, and give people the trust and certainty they need to do business on a global scale. Many have tried to build a model law that will help everyone, one person has been successful in that effort. If America is going to be the paragon–that shining city on the hill, we need a bright light to make it shine. The digital future is looking bright, let us allow this model law to project that bright future across the globe with the United States as its source.

Dr. Christopher Smithmyer -

For additional information, contact: 

[email protected]m


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Tokemetrics is a measurement tool for the potential value of a token, relative to the current value of the token. This means that in order to have a functional Tokemetrics review, there must be a tokenomics review. There must also be a review of the valuation, of which the quadratic approach is more recommended than a mono-variate approach. These need to be established to understand the potential value of a project, as more than just a guess within the system.
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